viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019

To PedAl, To pEdaL, tO pEdAl

Hi !!
Today I'm going to write about my favorite hobby.
When I was younger, around 2010, I was born in me the desire to do an activity in the environment, so... to this my parents bought me a bicycle to go out for ride in my town, since this moment ride a bicycle was converted in a hobby, I went out all the weekends with my friends and we went bordering the hills of the sector.
Now I do less this hobby because I don't have a lot of time, because the university and the responsabilies of live alone, don’t leave me much free time, although last year I buy me a bicycle, I worked in the summer and with the money I was able to get my bicycle in Santiago. Here in the city I realized this activity on Sundays when the streets open to pedal.
When I lived in my house with my parents, I practiced this hobby very often, because the place was very comfortable that to ride alone or with friends, now that I live in Santiago I practice ride a bicycle at less one day every two weeks. Anyway to me this is still the best hobby. because de sensation of meet and connect with the environment is wonderful and the most important connect with yourself, because the time inside the bicycle it make you think about the things that you make y you will do.

Well, to ride a bike only you need a helmet and obviously your bike.
So, if you never were make this activity, do it, you don't regret.

This is my baby, named Areta, my city bike.


viernes, 17 de mayo de 2019

All ToGetHeR

The photo here present is my family picture, this was taken in the last year when my brother gets your grade academy.
The graduate ceremonie were in "Monticello Gran Casino", this a gambling hall center where the people go to bet, buy things, and consume others atractives of the place. 
In the photo appear all my family, first my dad, named Claudio (like me), then my mother, Luisa, next to her my nephew Daniel with his father Matias (my brother) and finally Dafner, the girlfriend of my brother, and me Claudia. 
I love this photo because I think is the only photo where appear all my family and, the most important to me it is the only picture where my dad and my mom appear together, also this was an important moment to the family because my brother graduating in a little time! 
Wich the picture was taken in the last year this don't make me remember old moments with my family, obviusly I think the moment was especial to all my family, maybe, the event was taken the picture joined us and for this in the future if I will see the picture remember the good sensation of be happy and comforted in family.

I hope each one of you have a picture with good memories.



viernes, 3 de mayo de 2019


If you ask me which is my dream job obviously I will answer you: a photographer.

Since some years ago I started to know the photograph world and I'm interested in the meaning of a picture, what this represents and which is the mesage that I want to give for the people to see. I would like to say that I think that this is more than a job, it is an activity that needs feelings and a good eye to give importance to things that are around you and sometimes that most of people dosn't see. 
I would like do this job because it would allow me to stay in the exterior, and not be limited to staying in one place for much time, maybe working in this area I could travel finding good situations and take photographs that would last in time.
I think that the only quality that you need is the inspection of your environment, all the others support tools you can learn with time and dedication.
I think (and I hope) I will be good in this job because I like what this means (so I'll make many things so as to be better) and when you like what you do, you do it with much energy!
I don't have a person who inspired me, but the old pictures provoke feelings that I want keep in the time situations that perhaps we don't see or live.

I hope in the future I can do this job.
