domingo, 30 de junio de 2019

The "eRiZo"

Hi guys!
In this (I think) last blog I'll tell you about my favorite book, "la elegancia del erizo" - "L'Élégance du hérisson" by Muriel Barbery, a book recommended by one of my school languaje teachers, Gabriela, this is a French novel about the life of a woman and concierge, Renné, who seems to have a simple and banal life, which hides behind that image is a cultured personality full of knowledge. Paloma, a girl from the building where Renné works, has a personality that doesn't fit with her "age", she tells us how she sees Renné, who evidently is the only one who sees her in a real way.

It is a fantastic book, very complex but worth reading !This book it made me reflect and question many things, If you have time and you are tired of everything, read this book.

I read it for the first time at 14, and every time I reat it again I find a new meaning, I this it is one of those books that you undestand best as one has lived more. For the same reason I'll keep reading it whenever I can, who knows I can learn again after that. 

Resultado de imagen para la elegancia del erizo

On the cover, Paloma, the girl who at age 13 commits suicide, tired of life that she defines "as a lie".


The RAdiO

Hi ! 

When I read about what this post would be about, I felt that I wouldn't have to write because living in a technological age and I hadn't asked myself what technological device I liked the most or what device I would miss if I didn't have it anymore. 

Thinking about that I came the conclusion that my technological device is the radio, so basic. I cann't imagine a world without music and I don't play any instrument, so I need packaged music, in the radio..., mp3, mp4, record player or otherr are the most precious technology for me, and like the radio includes everyone the other I choose them for them.

I have known the radio for as long as I can remember and I usted it since I was a little girl, maybe, because my mom used ir a lot and always to listen to music, like me! It is strange that now I don't have one in my apartment in Santiago, but I allude to that it must be because today you can listen to music on different platforms, such as cellphones or notebooks.

Even so the radio was the object that started me in this dependence on music, so for that is my favorite object until the end of time!!! hahaha

Imagen relacionada


viernes, 28 de junio de 2019

A gOod FriEnD

Hello everyone,

In this post I should tell you about a good friend for me. 
Honestly, I don't have many friends because I'm an alone person, in a good sense because I prefer to spend time with good, honest and friendly people. than with many people who aren't always there to help me. 

So, now I will show you to my best friend, she is called Javiera, we met in 2010 at school in Doñihue, and since that time we have create a very nice support relationship. What I like most about Javiera is its stranger sense of humour, her spontaneity and her constant support towards me. 
For this, we always share moments when we have time, we do simple things like going to walk, to ride, to shop, to watch a movie or to going holydays together.

Now, we are both in the university, so we don't have as much time as before to see us. Even so when we do we have fun moments like before! Javiera is the one of the most important people that I know and I hope she will be my friend for a long time more. 

This is a photo of both. 
January, 2017



jueves, 27 de junio de 2019

DeCemBeR, 14tH

Yessss, this is my moment, haha 

I like to say that I am a fan of concerts and gigs, paid or free, so for that at my young age I have participated in several of these events, I've been to concert by Chilean and foreign groups and artists, being my favourite the one of Morrissey, that was less than a year ago in the "Gran Arena Monticello".

Morrissey is a singer and music composer that was a member of the famous band called "The Smiths" that played alternative rock music. I knew Morrissey through this band because first I liked their music, and with the time I started to like the Morrissey's music. He plays indie rock, indie pop and alternative rock music since he became in a solo singer 

Going back to the concert... I went alone to that show and it was one of the best decisions because I remember that the atmosphere was special, for most of the audience it was a memory, one way his youth, his past, on the other hand for me the first concert of this artist, his live voice was new and the feeling generated too. This is a moment that I would never forget.

december, 14th , 2018 



A waLK

It has been a long time since I didn't write here...
So, to start 

When I think in a walk I remember the most important for me (obviously) it was in 2006 when I was 8 years ago. I did the walk with my family, my mom, dad and brother. What we did was climb one of the best knows hill of Lo Miranda (my town) on september 18th.

My family wanted to do this a long time ago, but I was very child, so when I was seven or eight years old, we did it! for this reason, it was a walk that I wanted to do a long time ago, so I was very excited because I had never climb a hill before. I enjoy this walk with my family because this was a moment to share with them and laught too. 
When I think if I like do this again inmediataly I think yes, I did it few years later with my brother but it' s never was like the first time, althought it bring back very nice memories of my chilldhood in my town!

I've had other great walks and much more extreme, but this is for me the most significant. 

